

(Translated from Bengali into English)


 By-laws of Concern Services for Disabled (CSD)

Guptapara, Village- North Fatehabad, Ward no. 1 South Pahartali,
Chittagong City Corporation, P.O.- Nandirhat-4335,
Upazila- Hathazari, District- Chittagong, Bangladesh.


“Want to be a competitor, not a disabled”- with the dream of transforming this motto into reality, Concern Services for Disabled (CSD) has been established. One of the basic rights of mankind is the right of survival in the world- the creation of Almighty. But this right is often trodden. One man is snatching right of the other. Negligence, unconsciousness, selfishness, lust for power make the mankind forget that one life can save another life. Stepping on the moon astronaut Neil Armstrong said, ‘ A single step for man, a gigantic leap for mankind.’ Single step of individual person becomes a huge step for mankind. Thus the evolution of civilization has taken place; conquer of human expedition is going on.

Ours is one of the least developed countries of the world. Numbers of poor, distressed, neglected and disabled people are much more than many countries in proportion of total population. Number of disabled people in this great world is more than 40 millions and in Bangladesh they are more than 15 millions. This number shows how deep the disability problem in Bangladesh is. Among them, some are born disabled; some have become disabled by accident, some due to lack of treatment, some are autistic or other reasons. Some are blind, some dumb or deaf or cannot lead normal life and have become burden of others. If they are provided with proper treatment, education, suitable work and accommodation/ shelter, to a large extent, they will get rid of this neglected and deprived life. If we come forward to help them irrespective of caste, creed and religion, extend our assistance according to our abilities, they will not be subject of pity and they will be able to live like others in society.

Being firm in the aforesaid conviction, eminent sports organizer, national footballer and subsequently turned disabled by illness late Iqbal Khan and crippled by accident young cricketer Biswajit Gupta Bisu dreamt of founding a voluntary organization on 24/8/2003 for the overall wellbeing of disabled and distressed people and took initiative for making their dream a reality. In the inception stage, enlightened personalities like noted educationist Prof. Dr. Tofael Ahmed, editor of the daily Azadi late Prof. Mohammed Khaled, eminent mathematician and physicist Prof. Dr. Jamal Nazrul Islam, noted sociologist Prof. Dr. Anupam Sen, distinguished educationist Prof. Shayesta Khan, noted businessman Mr. Nuruddin Javed, noted banker Mr. S.M. Khorshedul Alam, C.I.P. Mrs. Aklima Begum, Mr. Nirmal Kanti Dev, Mr. Badiuzzaman Khan, poet and journalist Arun Dasgupta and others. Thus, Concern Services for Disabled (CSD) has been established.

Name of the organization

Name of organization will be in English : Concern Services for Disabled. Its abbreviated form will be C.S.D. It will be a non-political organization, devoted in the welfare of disabled, autistic and distressed people.

In consistence with aims, objectives and ideology of the organization a logo has been designed directing indicator of development, prosperity and solidarity of all kinds of disabled and autistic children including underprivileged class of the society which demonstrates lofty ideal of service with raising hands of a disabled towards global map.

Flag of the organization has been designed with background of white colour symbolizing peace setting the logo in the middle. Ratio of its length and width will be 5 : 3.

Concern Services for Disabled (C.S.D.) will be located at Guptapara, Village- North Fatehabad,
Ward no. 1 South Pahartali, Chittagong City Corporation, P.O.- Nandirhat-4335, Upazila- Hathazari, District- Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Operation area
At primary stage, Chittagong Metropolitan City and its adjacent area and overall Chittagong district, Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) and nationwide.

Aims and objectives
1) “Want to be a competitor, not a disabled.” To prepare informative lists of all classed of physically and mentally retarded and autistic and to organize those helpless and neglected autistic retarded including them under rehabilitation programme and to make them worthy of suitable work through training;
2) To establish rights of the neglected, underprivileged autistic, disabled and to create awareness and humanism among all strata of people of the society organizing them in order to turn away from ignoring tendency towards disabled;
3) To procure and transplant artificial limbs, to give treatment, rehabilitate disabled, to organise training workshop and to set up a factory for making artificial limb wheel chair, crutch, welding and mechanical plant, to set up educational institutions with the direct and indirect assistance of government, semi-government, private concern and international organisations. To involve the disabled with dairy, poultry, hatchery and agricultural farms;
4) To exert utmost efforts for development of dormant potentials of physically and mentally retarded and autistic, to create research facility and to set up dormitory for completely disabled persons. To facilitate with residential shop to those who are totally disabled for work;
5) To set up residential hostel, training centres and schools for autistic retarded and distressed children;
6) To provide supporting equipments including spectacles to the blind and hearing aids to the deaf and to impart them higher education;
7) To revive the decaying distinguishing features of traditional Bengali culture, to practise music, drama, gymnastics, sports, entertainment, to set up and organise mass education programme, art exhibition, publication and to explore dormant genius of the autistic, disabled through cultural practice of international humanistic knowledge;
8) Apart from autistic welfare services, to set up a well equipped medical centre for the general public, to set up physio-therapy centre under this organisation;
9) To set up nutrition and mother & children care centre for disabled, autistic and distressed people;
10) To arrange a large hall for holding seminar, workshops, etc.;
11) To set up cottage industry, to impart training to the disabled distressed people in handloom, sewing, computer, industrial sewing, etc. in order to create self-reliability and convert them into human resources through income generating schemes;
12) To create access of the disabled in all kinds of work and training;
13) To set up an old home for all irrespective of cast, creed and religions;
14) To involve the disabled in magazine and press publication for achieving skills;
15) To work in conformity with international human rights organizations;
16) To build up a highly educated class of physically challenged, autistic, underpriviledged students under sponsor programme and to create legacy;
17) To provide mobile ambulance service.

Poverty alleviation and social welfare services for the disabled, autistic,
deaf, blind and distressed through training:

1) To ensure rights of the disabled;
2) To undertake group based self-employment schemes;
3) To utilize skilled manpower;
4) To undertake initiative for residential facility of underprivileged class (autistic, retarded and distressed);
5) To create skill through training of autistic, retarded and distressed people and to set up cottage industry;
6) To undertake projects ancillary to cottage and handicrafts;
7) To undertake food for work programme, set up multilateral training workshop;
8) To undertake relief and rehabilitation programmes from the affected by natural disaster;
9) To undertake programmes for health, public administration and family welfare;
10) To undertake home and shelter projects;
11) To undertake forestation, environmental protection and bio products production programmes;
12) To undertake programmes for prevention of environmental pollution;
13) To extend cooperation in government development projects;
14) To undertake green forestation, agro and hatchery projects involving retarded, autistic and distressed people;
15) To create opportunity of employment of disabled through long term training so that they can lead a worthy life of a good citizen without being burden of family.


1) To keep liaison with international organizations for autistic and disabled and visit and experience their various self-employment projects, modern vocational education and to arrange group training to develop own skill and services;
2) To undertake leadership training programme;
3) To undertake any research programme for overall development of disabled and autistic people.
4) To carry out mutual co-operational programme with any domestic and international body for implementation of the aforesaid objectives.

A) Eligibility of membership:
1) Having belief in ideology, aims and objectives of C.S.D. and desirous of having solidarity with this organization, persons irrespective of cast, creed and religion having following qualifications shall be eligible for membership of this organization.
2) Candidate for membership must be above 18 years age;
3) The candidate must possess a good moral character;
4) The candidate must have respect for by laws and regulations of the organization and must exert effort for welfare and development of the organization. General member must be Bangladeshi citizen.

Rules of admission of members
A) Application will be made in prescribed form for taking membership;
B) Admission fee of Tk.300/- (three hundred taka) for general membership and monthly subscription of Tk.51/- (fifty one taka) will be paid regularly. Membership will be granted subject to approval of the executive council.

Classifications of membership
Clause-11 :
(1) Founder member, (2) Donor member, (3) General member, (4) Associate member, (5)Life member, (6) Advisory member, (7) Sponsor member.

1) Founder Members:
Concern Services for Disabled (C.S.D.) was founded in 1998 as the offspring of active cooperation of national footballer late Iqbal Khan and poet, journalist Arun Dasgupta and thought, initiative of former cricketer, now disabled Biswajit Gupta Bisu. Therefore, the trio will be recognized as founding members and will ever remain the same.
2) Donor member:
Any person who will donate Tk.50,000/- (fifty thousand taka) or asset of equivalent value within one year of establishment of C.S.D., with approval of the executive council, he/ she will be considered as donor member.

3) General member:
Any male or female person having respect for bylaws and regulations of C.S.D., paying
admission fee of Tk.300/- (three hundred), having experience in social works and
pledge bound in discharging assigned duty, with recommendation of selection sub-council and approval of executive council, will be eligible for membership of C.S.D. A general member shall have the rights of taking part and voting in election of executive council.
4) Associate member:
A) If the executive body deems any person helpful for the fulfilment of aims and objects of the organisation, can give him/her associate membership;
B) Associate members shall not be eligible for voting and contesting election of executive council;
C) Associate members will attend general meeting.

5) Life member:
Having respect for bylaws and regulations of C.S.D. any male/ female of greater Chittagong or any part of the world, paying Tk.25,000/- (twenty five thousand) at a time with recommendation of selection sub-council and approval of executive council, may be co-opted as a life member of the organization.

6) Advisory member:
Any distinguished person irrespective of gender having prominence in education, culture and human services having respect for aims and objectives of the organization and desirous of extending cooperation for its development, in such case, executive council may confer him/her advisory membership. However, a brief statement of evaluating contributions of that distinguished person will be submitted in the first meeting succeeding to conferring membership. Advisory members will not have any voting right.

7) Sponsorship or patronage member:
Having respect for bylaws and regulations of C.S.D. any male/ female of greater Chittagong or any part of the world, paying Tk.1,00 000/- (one lac taka) at a time, with consideration of executive council, may be co-opted as a sponsor member of the organization.

Rights and duties of members
All members of the organization shall discharge their respective duties as per provisions of the bylaw. Besides, general and life members, on the basis of one vote of one person, shall participate in budget approval of general meeting and election of executive body.

Grounds of termination of membership
a) If any member remains absent from consecutive three meetings without prior permission;
b) If any general member does not pay annual subscription within specific date;
c) If any member is engaged in any activity repugnant to the interests of the organization;
d) If any member is dead, becomes insolvent insolent or addict or found guilty by any court of law;
e) If any member is engaged in any activity contrary to the bylaw;
f) If any member is engaged in any activity harmful to the society/ community;
g) If any member resigns voluntarily; membership will be ceased due to any one or all of the aforementioned reason(s).

Provision for restoration of membership:
If any member, whose membership ceased due to default of payment of subscription or due to resignation, intends to take membership again, he/she will apply freshly for membership. If application is approved by executive council, membership will be granted. However, the intending applicant shall clear all dues before submitting application.

Clause-15 :
There shall be three councils for smooth functioning of the organization:
A) Advisory Council
B) Executive Council
C) General Council

A) Advisory Council:
Advisory council will consist of persons having eminence in the fields of education, art, culture and human services. Its term will be 3 (three) years. One will be Chief Adviser. However, number of members of this council shall not exceed 21 (twenty one).

B) Executive Council:
Executive council will be constituted by consent of the majority of general members in
annual general meeting or by election for a term of 3 (three) years as per provision of
bylaw. The outgoing council will hand over charge to the newly elected council within
15 days after holding of election.

C) General Council:
Responsibilities and power of general council: General council shall consist of founder members/ general members of the organization. This general council will be prime source of power and backbone of the organization. This council can form executive council through any of the two methods: (1) Through proposal and support of the general members; (2) Through secret ballot of general members/ authorized voters. If the constituted executive council fails to discharged its duties assigned by the general council, general council shall take any decision with opinion of 2/3rd members. This council will finally approve annual budget, income-expenditure accounts and vouchers of expenses; will take decision in management and implementation of various welfare and developmental programmes.

Structure of Executive Council
This council shall consist of the following 19 (nineteen) members:
1) President : 1 (one) person
2) Vice-President : 2 (two) persons
3) Coordinator : 1 (one) person
4) General Secretary : 1 (one) person
5) Joint Secretary : 1 (one) person
6) Treasurer : 1 (one) person
7) Organizing Secretary : 1 (one) person
8) Executive members : 11 (eleven) persons

A) Power and responsibilities of the Advisory Council:
1) If any dispute arises among members of the organization, the advisory council will resolve it through mediation;
2) Shall extend cooperation and impart advice in preparation of future plan, budget, etc. and in implementation of programmes;
3) Shall act as election commission holding election of the executive council;
4) Shall cooperate executive council in any necessity;
5) Shall select one adviser as chairman with consent of the majority of the executive council.

B) Power and responsibilities of the Executive Council:
1) The executive council shall have the highest power of smooth management of organization;
2) Shall take any step as necessary for development of organization;
3) Shall enter into or renew any agreement with any domestic or international body;
4) Shall appoint officers/employees for the organization and shall take any measure for motivation of employees;
5) Shall take measure against irregularity or harmful activities of the employees;
6) shall expand area of operation;
7) Shall supervise, maintain assets and properties of the organization;
8) Shall have the right of carrying out activities prescribed by donor agencies for increasing income of organization;
9) Shall prepare annual report and place in the general meeting;
10) Shall chalk out any plan and place in the general meeting;
11) Shall prepare, approve budget and place the same in general meeting;
12) Shall carry on, approve admission of members;
13) Shall undertake organizational management.

Power and responsibilities of office-bearers and members of executive council:

A) President:
He will be the constitutional head of the organization. He will preside over all meetings. He will impart advice in respective activities of all members and if any difference of opinion arises, he will try to resolve it; in that case, explanation of the president will be final. If any requirement of illustration of any Clause or clause of bylaw arises, he will explain it before the meeting and he will approve all decisions adopted in meetings of executive council. He will prepare annual report, annual planning, annual budget and shall table those before executive council meeting and general meeting for approval. In special case, he will summon meeting in consultation with general secretary. He will be responsible of keeping all records and office management of organization. He will entrust any one as the vice-president with the charge of his office during his absence and will inform the executive council in writing.

B) Vice-Presidents:
Vice-presidents will assist president in discharging various functions and in absence of president, one vice-president whose name comes first in organogram will act as president. However, if the president hands over charge to any one V.P. in writing in special case, he will act as president.

C) Coordinator:
Coordinator will assist in various functions of the organization. Shall supervise each project, shall coordinate official work and growth of any development project.

D) General Secretary:
Responsibilities of general secretary of executive council are varied. He will be the chief executive of the organization. He will discharge all functions for strengthening organization. Besides keeping records and maintaining liaison/ communication, he will coordinate all functions. On behalf of the organization, general secretary will exchange correspondences with all authorities and will take approval of executive council for executing any deed. He will be responsible for implementing all decisions or for informing all concerned for implementing the decisions of general meeting and executive council’s meeting. He will report executive council regarding progress of organization. General secretary will be responsible for maintaining congenial relations with all bodies by order of executive council. He will not keep cash exceeding Tk.5,000/- (five thousand) in his custody. If excess amount is spent for urgent purpose, he will obtain approval in succeeding meeting of executive council.
E) Joint General Secretary:
Joint Secretary will assist general secretary in discharging functions and in absence of the latter, will enter into agreement with approval of executive council and will discharge various functions entrusted on him.

F) Treasurer:
He will maintain accounts of incomes and expenditures of organization and place the accounts before meeting of executive council. He will collect/ receive all donations, contributions, subscriptions, etc. and will record in the books of accounts and will keep vouchers and receipts. He will deposit all collections in the bank account. Bank accounts will be operated with signatures of any two among president, general secretary and treasurer. But the one who will not sign will be informed subsequently.

G) Organizing Secretary:
The organizing secretary, in consultation with president and general secretary, will discharge various functions including expanding area of operation, maintaining law and order and strengthening activities of organization. In absence of general secretary, organizing secretary will also discharge functions of g/s temporarily.

H) Executive members:
Shall assist executive council in implementation of programmes; shall attend meeting of executive council and shall assist in decision making in various meetings expressing own opinion.

Rule of fulfilling vacancy in executive council

a) If any post of executive council has fallen vacant, council will take decision of co-opting within 1 (one) month;
b) Within 15 (fifteen) days of formation of executive council, outgoing council shall hand over charge to the new council.

Formation of sub-committees:
With a view to implementing any development plan or programme, executive council will take decision of formation of sub-committee comprising 5 (five) members headed by general secretary of executive council. The sub-committee will dissolve after accomplishment of specific task. Sub-council shall report the executive council for its assignment.

Formation of Ad hoc committee
If deadlock created in functioning of executive council due to any reason or a number of posts fallen vacant or on any reasonable ground, president / general council shall form a 5 (five) members ad hoc committee. Ad hoc committee will be operative after approval of registration authority. Taking over charge, ad hoc committe will form new executive council conforming rules within 90 (ninety) days and shall hand over charge.

Rules of staffing
If necessity arises for recruitment of staff for carrying organizational affairs or for implementation of any development plan, executive council, taking decision, shall form a 5 (five) members recruitment council. General secretary of the organization shall be ex-officio member secretary of selection council and one officer of social welfare department will be representative in this council. Recruitment council shall consist of 1 president, 1 member secretary and 3 members. Recruitment council, by giving advertisement in newspapers and taking written and oral tests or taking decision through discussion, will recruit employees. Executive council will fix up jobs, salaries of employees. All formalities regarding recruitment will be informed to the registration authority. In case of recruitment, disabled, autistic and distressed, offspring of freedom fighters’ family will be given priority.

Rule for leave of employees
Employees will apply for leave, if they need, to the president/ general secretary. Any employee shall not leave workplace without granted leave. All employees will enjoy 20 (twenty) days casual leave in a year. Not more than 7 (seven) days leave will be granted at a time. However, on special ground, the authority may grant leave up to 10 (ten) days at a time.

Rule of voluntary retirement
Any office bearer of executive council intending voluntary retirement will apply to the president mentioning proper ground. Within 1(one) month of receipt of application, executive council will accept /reject petition after review of the ground. All dues payable must be paid if the resignation is accepted.

Rules regarding meeting
7 (seven) kinds of meeting will be held in this organization, e.g., (1) Annual General Meeting, (2) Executive Council Meeting, (3) Extraordinary General Meeting, (4) Adjourned Meeting, (5) Advisory Council Meeting, (6) Special Meeting, (7) Meeting on requisition.

(1) Annual General Meeting:
This general meeting will be held involving all categories of members of organization. Decisions of adopting annual planning and implementation will be taken in this meeting. General secretary will table annual progress report in this meeting. Income and expenditures accounts and budget will be placed and approved in this meeting. Member can express their views for the welfare of organization and can ask question to any matter and general secretary will be answerable to their queries. General meeting can be summoned anytime for the purpose of organization.

(2) Executive Council Meeting:
At least once a month a meeting shall be held comprising office bearers of executive council. Day to day affairs of the organization will be discussed and necessary decisions will be taken in this meeting. Various problems will be discussed and resolved. Decisions for undertaking development plans and implementation will be taken.

(3) Extraordinary General Meeting:
General secretary can summon an extraordinary general meeting respectively on 3 (three) days notice in case of general council, on 24 (twenty four) hours notice in case of executive council and on 5 (five) days notice in case of advisory council.

(4) Adjourned Meeting:
If the president declares adjournment of any meeting due to shortage of quorum and necessity of taking of any decision emerges for the benefit of organization, the adjourned meeting be held next week or the following day or on the same day for transaction of same agenda. Decision taken in adjourned meeting shall be final even if the requisite quorum is not present.

(5) Advisory Council Meeting:
At least three meetings will be held in a year. General secretary will summon such meeting on 10 (ten) days’ notice. President and general secretary will attend the meeting.

(6) Special/Emergency Meeting:
Any time in a year on any issue, general secretary can summon such meeting. Notice will be served before 7 to 15 days. Any other agendum except the specific one will not be transacted.

(7) Meeting on requisition:
If any deadlock situation of organization prevails, 2/3rd members of general council will approach the general secretary for a solution. If president/ general secretary fail to solve the issue within 21 (twenty one) days of such appeal, the applicant members will take decision summoning meeting on requisition. Decision taken in presence of 2/3rd members shall be final.

Provision of rule regarding notice of meeting:
General meeting will be held on at least 15 (fifteen) day’s’ notice and executive council on 7 (seven) days’ notice. Extraordinary meeting will be summoned on 3 (three) days’ notice. Special meetings may be summoned on 3 (three) days and 24 (twenty four) hours’ notice. Date, place, time and agenda of meetings will be clearly stated in notice and be informed to all.

Provision of rule regarding quorum of meeting:
In general and executive councils meetings, presence of 2/3rd of total members and 2/3rd of concerned council will constitute quorum. In cases of budget meeting, alteration of bylaw, dissolution of organization, 2/3rd members’ presence will constitute quorum.

Financial Management
1) Finance of organization will be deposited in account opened in branches located in Bangladesh of any scheduled government, private or foreign bank and will be operated by joint signatures of any of two of president, general secretary and treasurer. President, general secretary or treasurer will not keep cash at a time more than Tk.5,000/- (five thousand).
2) Fiscal year will be counted from 30th June to 1st July.
3) Income and expenditures account, donation of any individual or by organization in cash or in kind, income from foreign donation received by CSD will be audited by the Directorate of Social Welfare or any audit firm every year.
4) Various types of income generating projects will be undertaken through different sources of incomes for the purpose of fund raising.
5) Any financial assistance, donation from government or private or foreign body will be received through only one bank account.
6) Bank account number of C.S.D. is 1528901013420 at Pubali Bank Limited, Patharghata, Chittagong branch.
Sources of Income
1) Regular monthly subscriptions of members.
2) Donation, contribution and subscription of founder members.
3) Voluntary endowment, unconditional aids and materials for retarded from various parties.
4) Contribution from any association, body, company government or international body (if available).
Heads of expenditure
Vocational education, medical treatment, rehabilitation, general education for the disabled and autistic people for achieving goals of C.S.D. will be heads of expenditures of the organization. Money will be spent for implementation of plans undertaken by executive body or general council and for payment of salaries of staff. But, no money will be spent without voucher or receipt. Financial transactions will be recorded in cash book and vouchers will be filed.

Branch or unit office of C.S.D.
For the development of disabled and distressed, C.S.D. will open branch office in any part of Chittagong district (of course, with approval of head office). These branches will be operated under management, direction and approval of head office. Managing council will be formed in respective places for operation of these units. Central executive council of C.S.D. reserves right and power of suspending operation of any unit/ branch on reasonable ground. Accounts of income, expenditures and balance of branches will be submitted at head office.

Election Procedure
Election of executive council will be held after every three years. One year term will be from
January to December. In the year preceding to the year of election, an election commission
will be constituted comprising 3 (three) members of the advisory council. This commission
will conduct election affairs. One member will be head of election commission who will be called
chief election commissioner. Election commission will complete voter list as per list of valid
voters provided by executive council of Concern Services for Disabled (C.S.D.). However,
election commission will declare final voters list. Election will be conducted as per provision of
rules framed under bylaw. A representative of Directorate of Social Welfare will discharge
function of election. Any member of election commission will not contest election or will not
campaign for or against any candidate. Decision of the election commission with regard to
election will be final. Executive council will be formed in two methods:
(1) As per decision of general council,
(2) Election through secret ballot. Election will have to be held at least before one month of
expiration of tenure of executive council. If election could not be held within specified timeframe
due to unavoidable situation (war, natural calamities, epidemics, etc.), an extraordinary
general meeting will be summoned and matters regarding election will be decided in this
meeting. Before one month of holding election, date, time, place of election will be informed to
the members either by notice board or postage. Voters list will be prepared before one month of
election. After holding election, outgoing council will hand over charge to the new council within
15 (fifteen) days.

In general and executive councils meetings, presence of 2/3rd of total members and 2/3rd of concerned council will constitute quorum. In cases of budget meeting, alteration of bylaw, dissolution of organization, 2/3rd members’ presence will constitute quorum.

Motion of no confidence
To table motion of no confidence against any member, 2/3rd of members will submit proposal to the general secretary in writing and in presence of 3/4th members of the concerned council, motion will be passed.
Filling Vacancy
If the post of any office-bearer or member of any council falls vacant due to no confidence, resignation, expulsion, termination or any other reason, vacancy will be filled up co-opting any other member by majority’s consent of the said council. Generally, vacancy is filled within one month.

1) C.S.D. may raise funds, accept donations, grants, gifts, contribution or subscription, cash or kind, from any person, society, organization, bodies, institutions, company or government or international agencies and organizations, from within Bangladesh or abroad, provided that C.S.D. shall not receive any foreign donation except in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Donations (Voluntary activities) Regulation Ordinance (Ordinance XLVI of 1978) and the Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Ordinance (Ordinance XXXI of 1982) as amended from time to time,
2) If C.S.D. thinks convenient, for implementation of aims and objectives, it will purchase/procure, lease, exchange movable/immovable properties for carrying out apartment construction, sale, etc.
3) Income accrued from assets and properties will be spent for implementation of goals set out in bylaws of organization and all properties procured will be treated as property of C.S.D.

Statutory bindings:
1) Whatever is written in minutes or any paper of this by-laws, this organization shall not carry on any activity contrary to Ordinance no.XLVI of 1978 and any regulations as amended from time to time.
2) Within 7 (seven) days of formation of executive committee, it will be sent to registration authority along with necessary papers for approval.
3) Change of address of organization or its office will be informed within 7(seven) days to the registration authority.

4) Annual report and audit report shall be informed to the registration authority within specified time. These reports will be published publicly.

5) Registration authority or its representative shall any time visit organization’s office or its activities or any document.

6) Information regarding organization will be provided as asked by registration authority.

7) Any savings scheme raising funds from public shall not be carried on.

8) Before undertaking any programme pertaining to medical and health/ economic/education, prior permission will be obtained from concerned ministry, directorate/ proper authority.

Alteration, revision, amendment and addition of by-laws
If necessity arises for alteration, revision, amendment and addition of any article, section, clause or any part of bylaws, an emergency meeting shall be held on 15 (fifteen) days’ notice and with consent of 2/3rd members, by-laws will be changed/amended.

Abolition/ dissolution of organization
If in any case dissolution of organization is felt necessary due to any dispute within organization, an extraordinary general meeting shall be summoned on 15 (fifteen) days’ notice and in presence of 4/5th of total members and with majority of 3/4th of quorum, decision of dissolution will be adopted and with permission of registration authority, all assets and properties will be donated to an organization of identical nature running for 50 (fifty) years with reputation and organization may be dissolved.

This bylaws was approved on 2/8/2008 unanimously in general meeting in presence of 48% members out of 100% members.

(The End)